Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Some Antonioni items...

My 1962 pressbook release for L'ECLISSE in London (I had that cover framed), where Antonioni describes Vitti as a combination of Kay Kendall and Anna Magnani! (Click images twice to enlarge)

THE PASSENGER - My 1976 article, written when I was 30, for now defunct film magazine FILMS ILLUSTRATED. (click twice to enlarge) and the paperback edition.

Programmes for Antonioni retrospectives at London's National Film Theatre: 1990 and 2005, and Barbican 1993.

Some Antonioni titles including screenplays: - there is one 1962 Antonioni magazine that must be packed away in a box in the garage somewhere...its proving elusive to find!

My first Antonioni magazine back in 1962 when I was 16...

There is also my 'appreciation' on Monica on a separate post ....

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