Senin, 19 April 2010

Two cats

I must include my two cats on here. They have been gone for 5 years now but they were two extraordinary animals. Daisy (above) lived for eighteen and a half years (1987 - 2005) and Heather (below) just a year less, 1987 - 2004.

They were together since kittens since I lived in Portsmouth and Brighton in 1987 with a partner who died in 1996, so the cats were with me after that for a further 8 or so years. What great companions - one never felt alone with them. Daisy was the nervy, super-intelligent one who was always there - she was a nervous cat actually, and would run and hide if the doorbell went, but soon she would emerge and plonk herself on the visitor's lap and be the centre of attention as usual. One time, she went missing in Brighton for 48 hours - but I found her at 2am hiding in a locked basement entrance - that put her off going over the wall again ! Heather was the calm, placid one with those green eyes, who loved being brushed and stroked and would just go limp when one picked her up. She kind of got feline dementia at the end, but Daisy kept her wits about her. Letting them go was painful but easy as well, it was time for them and very quick. No more pets for me ! - well not for the present anyway. Maybe a marmalade cat later on, and/or a Westie (West Highland Terrier)?. But having pets for 18+ years is like they are in your life for about a third of it. They lived great cat lives.

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